
  • Encode text as a long array of integer.
  • Batch structure, example for each batch of size (3xM)
a1 a2 … aM ………………. ……………….
b1 b2 … bM ………………. ……………….
c1 c2 … cM ………………. ……………….

Split the text in to (Nx (M*K)) where K is the number of batches. N is batch size and M is the sequence length in each batch.

  • Use yield function generator to return batches, each of shape NxM
  • Target is shifted by one character, we can use first input character as the last target character for simplicity
  • Create RNN cell with Dropout and MultiRNNCell for many layers
  • One hot encoding inputs and targets
  • For training, use gradient clipping for exploding gradients
  • Use dynamic_rnn to run on inputs